A Day in the Mexican Life of a Water Supplier/Un Día en la Vida de un Vendedor de Agua

by bilingualstories

       Eric is forty years old.  He lives in a small town with his parents.  He has one child, Jacob, that also lives in his parent´s house after Eric.  He never married Jacob´s mother.  Eric sells garaphones of water to neighboring towns in his pickup truck.

     Everyday, Eric wakes up early and loads all of the garaphones of water into his truck.  He typically eats a big breakfast before leaving.  Sometimes his cousin joins him for the day to drive around, but most of the time he goes by himself.  Eric lives close to many small towns that depend on bottled water to drink.  He drives around each neighborhood and plays a jingle that announces his water for sale.  Most of his clients also recognize his truck and wait outside of their houses and whistles him to stop when he passes through their neighborhood.

     Eric sells roughly 50 big bottles of water everyday.  In addition to his water route, he also has a small store inside his parent´s house that sells pops and potato chips.  His mom attends to the store when Eric is not in the house.  During the weekends, Eric enjoys going to the soccer fields to watch local tournaments with his friends.    Although he doesn´t play anymore, he is a huge fan of soccer.  His son plays soccer with his classmates and Eric says that he is quite the athlete.  Eric hopes that Jacob continues to practice everyday so that he can join the national soccer team.  He would love to see his son represent Mexico in the Olympics.

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